TENDER COMPANY: UTHUNGULU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY TENDER REFERENCE: UDM/29/2015 PUBLICATION: E-MAILED ISSUE DATE: 2015/11/11 CLOSE DATE: 2015/11/24 CLOSE TIME: 1200 SITE INSPECTION DATE: 18 NOVEMBER 2015 10:00 ENQUIRIES: N/A 0357992500 TENDER DESCRIPTION: uThungulu District Municipality TENDER NO.: UDM/29/2015 TENDER FOR THE DESIGN, SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF TEMPORAL SHELTERS Interested, parties must collect tender documents from the SCM Unit at uThungulu House, Suite No. 8. corner Krugerrand and Barbados Bay Roads, CBD, Richards Bay (tel. 035 799 2500), after payment of a non-refundable fee of R440.00 (incl. VAT) - cash or EFT. Bank details are as follows: Bank: Nedbank Branch: Johannesburg Corporate Branch Code: 145405 Account Number: 1454088893 Account Name: uThungulu District Municipality Reference: Tenderers should use the tender number followed by their name as the reference. The collection of tender documents must be done prior to the commencement of the Tender Briefing Meeting. No tender documents will be issued after 09h45 on 18 November 2015. Any tender submitted by a person(s) who is in the service of the State or if that person(s) is not a natural person, of which any director, manager, principal shareholder or stakeholder is a person in the service of the State or who is an advisor or consultant contracted with the Municipality, shall not be considered in terms of Regulation 44 of the Municipal Supply Chain Regulations. A Compulsory tender meeting will be held on 18 November 2015 at 10h00 in the Admin Boardroom, uThungulu House, corner Krugerrand and Barbados Bay Roads, CBD, Richards Bay. Prospective tenderers who do not attend the meeting will be disqualified. This tender will be evaluated on the 80/20 preferential points system. Should you wish to claim any preference points, please ensure that you submit an original or certified copy of your company's B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificate with the tender document. Completed tenders, in sealed envelopes bearing the tender number, must be deposited in the Municipality's tender box in the foyer of uThungulu House, corner Krugerrand and Barbados Bay Roads, CBD, Richards Bay on or before 12h00 on 24 November 2015, when tenders will be opened in public. Tenders received after the due date and time will not be considered. It will be the tenderer's responsibility to check the document on receipt for completeness and to notify the employer of any discrepancies or omissions. It is the tenderer's responsibility to provide all the data and information requested in the form required, failure to do so may be regarded by the employer as a non-responsive tender. Submissions may only be done on documentation supplied by the Municipality. All communication between the employer and the tenderer shall be in a form that can be read, copied and recorded. All writing shall be in the English Language. The employer shall not take any responsibility for non-receipt of communications from a tenderer. All enquiries must be directed to Mrs Sibonisile Kunene, tel. 035 787 2682 or mokoenas@uthungulu.co.za. Tenderers who do not hear from the uThungulu District Municipality within 90 days of the closing date of the tender should consider their tender unsuccessful. Please note that no tender will be accepted by fax or email. #SI#18 NOVEMBER 2015 10:00#IS##ES#TENDER FOR THE DESIGN, SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF TEMPORAL SHELTERS#SE#
TENDER COMPANY: NQUTHU MUNICIPALITY TENDER REFERENCE: NQUO030/269/201 PUBLICATION: E-MAILED ISSUE DATE: 2015/11/11 CLOSE DATE: 2015/11/23 CLOSE TIME: 1200 SITE INSPECTION DATE: ENQUIRIES: MR N F T BUTHELEZI 0342710076 TENDER DESCRIPTION: NQUTHU MUNICIPALITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER TO UNDERTAKE A SOCIAL SURVEY ON HOUSING BACKLOGS FOR ALL WARDS IN NQUTHU MUNICIPAL AREA AND WIRELESS POINT TO POINT TO 05 BUILDINGS Invitations are hereby invited from suitably qualified and experienced organization / consortia with the requisite capacity for appointment as consultant/professional to undertake a process of social survey on housing back-logs in Nquthu Municipal Area. 1. BID NO NQUO030/269/2015 Terms of reference will be available as from Monday the 09th of Monday 2015, on the Nquthu Municipality website (www.nquthu.gov.za). 2. BID NO :(NQU0022/268/2015 Tender documents may be collected at Cashier office during office hours from Monday (08h00 to 15h00) the 09th of November 2015 at Nquthu municipal offices, 83 Mdlalose Street, Nquthu, no site meeting will be available. Each Documents will be issued upon cash payment of R110.00,Nquthu municipality does not accept deposit and cheques, Proposals together with Bid document should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the Bid numbers that the supplier tendered for and deposited in the tender box for Nquthu Municipality situated in the reception at,Lot 83/2 Mdlalose Street ,Nquthu, by no later than the 23 November 2015, Monday at 12H00 pm, thereafter Bids will be opened in public. Nquthu Municipality subscribes to the preferential procurement policy framework act,2000,(Act No.5 of 2000). The 80/20 preference point system shall be applicable during the evaluation and adjudication of this proposal for bid below R1 000 000 and 90/10 for bids above R1 000 000.The amended PPPFA regulation will be used. In terms of Section 38 of Council's Supply Chain Management Policy, bids from bidders who are in arrears with rates and services charges will not be considered. Nquthu Municipality request all services providers to register in their database. No late submission will be considered and no proposals sent or submitted by fax or email and post will be accepted. For social survey bid enquiries please contact Mr. M.B Jiyane and Mdu Zulu and wireless point to point IT and SCM office,during office hours at 034 271 6100 NB: the Municipality reserves the right to appoint to an portion or part of the bid Price, not to bind itself to accept the lowest bid or to cancel all the bids at any stage # #SI##IS##ES#REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER TO UNDERTAKE A SOCIAL SURVEY ON HOUSING BACKLOGS FOR ALL WARDS IN NQUTHU MUNICIPAL AREA AND WIRELESS POINT TO POINT TO 05 BUILDINGS#SE#
TENDER COMPANY: STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY TENDER REFERENCE: B/SM 67/16 PUBLICATION: E-MAILED ISSUE DATE: 2015/11/11 CLOSE DATE: 2015/12/11 CLOSE TIME: 1200 SITE INSPECTION DATE: ENQUIRIES: MR SALIEM HAIDER 021 808 8224 TENDER DESCRIPTION: Invitation to Tender / Tender Notice B/SM 67/16. Notice is hereby given that tenders are invited, from suitably qualified and experienced service providers with a CIDB grading of 3EP or higher for the installation and commissioning of Medium Voltage Switchgear until 30 June 2017. Queries relating to these documents may be addressed to Mr. Gerald Kraukamp, Tel No. 021 808 8519. Technical queries relating to this bid may be addressed to Lourens De Lange at 021808-8302 This tender document is available free of charge on our website at www.stellenbosch.gov.za, however a non-refundable deposit of R150.00 per document is payable to the Stellenbosch Municipality if collecting a hard copy, during office hours, from The Supply Chain Management Unit, Stellenbosch Municipality, 1st Floor, Room no.121,17 Plein Street, Stellenbosch Sealed envelopes endorsed with the corresponding description, Bid B/SM 67/16 Switchgear together with the name of the tenderer must be placed in the Municipality's Tender Box in Plein Street located between the Town Hall and the Library building in Stellenbosch, no later than 12:00 on the 11 December 2015. The tender box is accessible 24 hours a day. Bid document sets that are incomplete and bids received after the closing date and time. will not be accepted for consideration. All Bids must be submitted on the official forms and not be re-typed. Bids that are faxed or in electronic format will not be accepted for considered. Bids will be evaluated in accordance with the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Stellenbosch Municipality and the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act and the Preferential Procurement regulations, 2011. Functionality will be evaluated as an eligibility criterion. The eligibility criteria relate to the tenderer's ability to provide a quality service to the Municipality. Tenderer's scoring less than 70 (out of 100) points, will not meet the eligibility criteria. Service providers must ensure that all requirements of relevant-legislation are adherpd to throughout their contract. The Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest, part of, or any, bid. The 90/10'points system will be applicable. PRICE 90 B-BBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTION 10 TOTAL POINTS FOR PRICE AND B-BBEE MUST NOT EXCEED 100 # #SI##IS##ES#INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF MEDIUM VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR UNTIL 30 JUNE 2017#SE#
TENDER COMPANY: UMSHWATHI MUNICIPALITY TENDER REFERENCE: JOB DESCRIPTIONS PUBLICATION: E-MAILED ISSUE DATE: 2015/11/11 CLOSE DATE: 2015/11/23 CLOSE TIME: 1200 SITE INSPECTION DATE: ENQUIRIES: MR T MALUNGA 0335031035 TENDER DESCRIPTION: REQUEST FOR BIDS FOR THE COMPILATION AND REVIEWAL OF JOB DESCRIPTIONS IN LINE WITH SOUTH AFRICAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION TASK: JOB EVALUATION GRADING SYSTEM uMshwathi Municipality. with its legislative and administrative seat in New Hanover, hereby requests quotations from reputable and suitably qualified Service Providers to assist the Municipality with compilation and review of job descriptions in line with the South African Local Government Association, herein after referred to as SALGA TASK Job Evaluation Grading System. uMshwathi Municipality requires the services of a qualified and experienced consultant to undertake the job evaluation process in respect to the writing of 169 jobs and 320 posts within the approved structure of the Municipality. The exercise must take into account the Local Government Legislative requirements SPECIFICATION Phase one (1), conduct job analyses with all key positions 1. Conduct all relevant consultation sessions, 2. Skills transfer, open, fair, transparent and ethical process to be followed as the process deals with employees' pertinent issues. 3. Interview incumbent/s and supervisor/s about the job and develop a personal competency profile of each employee. 4. Make reference to the revised organogram, develop/review job descriptions for 169 jobs (320 posts). 5. Identify all key functional and legislative requirements to achieve outcome. 6. Analyse all relevant job descriptions and compare and align to Treasury Competence Framework. 7. Conduct job evaluation process using TASK methodology compliant system. 8. Consolidate findings and submit for moderation with a detailed report. 9. Consider inputs and make final submissions. 10. Provide Moderation report and new grading of position. Phase two (2), conduct consultative sessions with all stakeholders 1. Develop a schedule for consultative forums. 2. Address all employees on the process and recommendations. 3. Conduct workshops on treasury competence levels and segregation guidelines. 4. Conduct management workshops on IDP and structure alignment, 5. Develop the uMshwathi Municipal competence profile for all Senior Management and Managers reporting to them. 6. Conduct job profile on all critical posts as addressed by treasury. 7. Assess the competence of the incumbent in relation to the post/job descriptions. DELIVERABLES 1. Fully compliant job descriptions. 2. Capacitated placement Committee. 3. Capacitated Management in alignment of the organisational structure with the IDP. 4. Capacitated Management in the alignment of the organisational structure with the job descriptions. Bids/Proposals must be deposited in the Bid Box at the reception area of uMshwathi Municipality, Main Road New Hanover, 3230 (Opposite New Hanover SAPS) on or before the 23 November 2015, Monday at 12:00 in a SEALED ENVELOPE and clearly labeled with the project name `COMPILATION AND REVIEWAL OF JOB DESCRIPTIONS IN LINE WITH SALGA TASK JOB EVALUATION GRADING SYSTEM` on the outside of the envelopes addressed to The Municipal Manager. Telegraphic, telexed or faxed Bids will not be considered and late Bids will not be accepted. uMshwathi Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest proposal or any Bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the Bid. All Tender enquiries and all other matters shall be directed to: Mr K. Perumal: GM Corporate Services on 033 815 2249 or 079 890 7526 during working hours, 07:30 to 16:00. Bid documents can be collected from Monday, 9 November 2015 at the Municipal Offices in New Hanover. A non-refundable Tender fee of R250.00 is payable in cash on collection of the Tender document. Bids will be evaluated using 80120 of the PPPFA. The Municipality reserves the right not to accept the lowest or any Bid. Bid offers will be considered responsive only if the minimum functionality requirement of 60% is achieved as explained in the Bid document # #SI##IS##ES#COMPILATION AND REVIEWAL OF JOB DESCRIPTIONS IN LINE WITH SALGA TASK JOB EVALUATION GRADING SYSTEM#SE#
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